November 2016 – October 2017
(supported by FIA)
The purpose of the project “Be 5-star parent in the car!” was to make parents experts in ensuring their children’ road safety: to teach parents how to choose, install child restraint system and how to fix children in them, to make parents understand the importance of using child restraint systems for ensuring children safety.
The first step of the “Be 5-star parent in the car” project implementation was the observational survey. BKA designed and produced special questionnaires and suggested to driving parents to fill them. The survey took place on parking lots, at the shopping malls, on the football arena in Minsk and in other public places, where BKA managed to interrogate 300 driving parents. On the 17th of November when the project was set up BKA team and the representatives of the Road Traffic Police have convened the press-conference in the Belarusian House of Press. In the framework of the project BKA produced various hand-outs: brochures on CRS use, reflective elements and t-shirts with project-related logos. On 23-24 of November BKA was honored to host the “Child Safety in Cars” meeting and welcome neighbor Clubs to join the discussion on child safety projects and initiatives in different countries, share outstanding regulatory needs and raise relevant awareness issues. The highlight of the meeting was the workshop conducted by Anton Keller – the expert on CRS from the Swiss Auto Club, TCS that took place both at the meeting and at the Traffic Road Police office. He demonstrated various techniques of correct use of child restraint systems, talked about efficient preventive measures, showed crash test results and shared best practices in this field in Switzerland and other European countries. Moreover in the framework of the project BKA produced 3 project related videos:,,
The tangible results of the project can be expressed in the following figures:
- The knowledge on correct use of CRS considerably increased
- 0 children as passengers died in the result of road traffic accidents since the implementation of our project
- The rate of child injury on the road decreased by 31%
- During last campaign in the framework of the project BKA observed that in 9 of 10 cars stopped by the Road Traffic Police officer there was CRS and 7 of 10 children were fixed in the CRS correctly
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