Within the UN Global Road Safety Week 2019 BKA implemented a social experiment to assess the accessibility of Minsk city for people with disabilities. BKA selected 3 persons with the different kinds of disabilities who represented three groups of road users: pedestrians, drivers and passengers. BKA held three campaigns during the UN Global Road Safety Week – each was dedicated to one of the mentioned groups. Each of the three disabled persons was accompanied around the city by the representatives of the Road Traffic Police and the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus to see first-hand what obstacles the people with disabilities face and to take the corresponding practical measures. The main goals of the project were to adjust the existing road infrastructure to the needs of the people with different kinds of disabilities and to influence the public opinion encouraging people to be more considerate and helpful towards people with disabilities. Moreover, BKA visited the kindergarten №239 of Minsk to remind the children the basic road safety rules within the UN Global Road Safety Week. The campaigns were widely covered in media as well as in BKA social networks.