April – November 2017
(supported by EASST)

The project “Safe pedals” was aimed at improving road safety education for children and young people with particular emphasis on safe bicycle driving. The project consisted of two parts: theoretical part and practical one. The theoretical part was based on the Road Safety Education Pack developed by EASST. Though the packs don’t focus primarily on bicyclists’ road safety, these materials can be very helpful in providing children with the basic road safety awareness. During our visits to kindergartens and schools we disseminated the Education Packs among nursery and school teachers explaining them how the Education Pack works and how it could be used in teaching road safety to children. Further nursery and school teachers will use the Education Packs following our example. The project also included an extensive program on save bicycle driving to teach children how to behave in case of danger and alarm situations, how to avoid and prevent crashes with vehicles and in the result to reduce the number of crashes, children’s deaths and minimize injuries.

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